Monday, March 31, 2014

Same Day Implant Teeth - Advanced Dental Prosthetics, Dr. Kent J. Howell - Mesa, AZ

Same Day Implant Teeth.  Are you dentally exhausted?  Do you have broken, sensitive, or several missing teeth? Maybe you’re a long-time denture wearer who is sick of your denture or partial moving around every time you try to eat your favorite food?  Here at Advanced Dental Prosthetics, Dr. Howell is an expert at helping such folks find the quality of life and solace they are searching for.  Dental implants will change your life, and the transformation can happen in one day!

There are several different names used for implant teeth (or implant bridges) that are done in one day.  The most common name is the All-on-Four procedure. All-on-Four refers to a specific surgical technique that utilizes areas of bone in the jaw differently than traditional methods to avoid expensive and painful bone grafting procedures before implants are placed.  It also allows us to be able to extract teeth, place implants, and connect the temporary bridge all in the SAME DAY!  Read more at...

Visit our website to learn more about Dr. Kent J. Howell and Advanced Dental Prosthetics at: or you can contact the office directly at: or (480) 832-1375.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dr. Kent J. Howell - Advanced Dental Prosthetics - Cosmetic (Composite) Bonding

Cosmetic bonding is a procedure where we can place tooth colored filling material called composite, to reshape teeth, fill in gaps, cover blemishes, etc.  The composite material is placed directly on the tooth with adhesive liquids and then shaped and polished.  Bonding procedures can be quite effective and natural looking, and is a reversible procedure because we haven’t permanently altered the tooth.  The downside to this type of cosmetic procedure is that the composite material does not hold its color forever.  It has the potential to stain, wear, and loose its luster and shine over time.  Having said that, you can get some pretty amazing results.  Please contact our office, Advanced Dental Prosthetics, at (480) 832-1375 for more information re: cosmetic/composite bonding.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Consequences of Missing Teeth

The Consequences of Missing Teeth
There are actually several negative consequences of missing some or all of your teeth. First, missing teeth will affect the esthetics of your face. Not only will your smile be affected by the gaps from missing teeth, but if you’re missing too many teeth, the skin around your mouth won’t be supported properly and will start to sag, making your appear older than you are. Additionally, missing teeth will make it more difficult to chew your food properly and may even affect the way you speak. Finally, missing even one tooth may have emotional consequences; many people feel less confident about their smile when they are missing teeth.
If you are currently missing any of your teeth, consider replacing them with dental implants, which can look and feel just like natural teeth.  If you would like more information about dental implants and in restoring your smile, contact Mesa Prosthodontist Dr. Kent Howell at (480) 832-1875 or

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dr. Kent J. Howell, Prosthodontist - Advanced Dental Prosthetics in Mesa AZ - Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures
If you are missing teeth, a partial denture may be a viable option for you. A partial denture relies on your existing teeth for support and retention. Partial dentures can be made from many different materials and many different configurations. The most common type utilizes a metal framework that is adapted to your existing teeth and tissues. The denture teeth and pink acrylic that mimics your gums are attached to the metal framework. In most cases partial dentures are preferred over complete dentures because they are much more stable in the mouth. A partial denture is a removable prosthesis. 

For more information and/or to find out if you are a candidate for partial dentures, contact the office of Dr. Kent J. Howell at (480) 832-1375 or

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are you Grinding your Teeth at Night?

Some patients are prone to nighttime bruxing or grinding of their teeth.  This can lead to problems with the jaw joints and severe damage to the teeth.  While the underlying cause of the grinding cannot always be corrected, a nightguard will serve to lessen the effects while the grinding takes place.  An impression of your mouth will be taken so that the custom nightguard can be made by our dental lab.  

If you are grinding and/or noticing wear on your teeth, are experiencing headaches and/or a sore jaw, contact Mesa Prosthodontist, Dr. Kent J. Howell at (480) 832-1375
for a consultation.  A nightguard may be the right 
treatment option for you!  

Advanced Dental Prosthetics
Kent J. Howell, DMD, MS
107 N. Greenfield Road, #1
Mesa, AZ 85205
Office: (480) 832-1375

Monday, March 10, 2014

Immediate Dentures (Healing Denture)

Immediate Dentures (Healing Denture) - Sometimes all the teeth need to be removed and replaced with dentures at the time they are extracted.  This type of denture is called an immediate denture or temporary denture.  There are multiple steps the dentist must complete before the immediate dentures can be fabricated by the laboratory and the teeth extracted.  Although immediate dentures work well to give a new smile and replace teeth immediately, they have many challenges.  For someone receiving complete dentures that has no teeth, denture teeth are tried in the patient’s mouth to verify the smile.  This is not always possible with immediate dentures because the natural teeth still remain.  The dentist fabricating the immediate dentures makes educated guesses on the stone models of your teeth in order to make the immediate dentures prior to the extractions.

For questions on immediate dentures or to schedule a consultation with Mesa Prosthodontist, Dr. Kent Howell, please call (480) 832-1375 or you may send an email to:

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Happy National Dentist's Day!

Happy National Dentist's Day!
Celebrated annually on March 6th, National Dentist’s Day was created as a day set aside to say “Thank You” to and show appreciation to your dentist and their dedication to keeping your smile bright and your teeth and mouth healthy.

Now is the perfect time to make an appointment to make sure your teeth are healthy and your habits are on the right track! You may contact our office to schedule an appointment at (480) 832-1375 .

We look forward to seeing you!
- Dr. Howell & Team

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

A full-mouth reconstruction (also called a rehab) refers to the process of restoring the oral cavity to a healthy, fully-functioning state.  There are many reasons and indications indicating this type of treatment.  This can range from wearing down the teeth from grinding, severe erosion of tooth structure from acid reflux and/or health concerns such as bulemia/anorexia, severe cavities, and dry mouth (xerostomia).  Some oral habits can also cause severe damage to the dentition.  These can include: smoking, chewing tobacco, drug abuse, sucking citrus fruits, high soda intake, and many others.  A full-mouth reconstruction can be indicated for people missing no teeth, to people missing all their teeth, and to those needing all of their teeth removed and replaced.  Often this type of treatment can require the expertise of multiple specialists, of which the Prosthodontist is often referred to as the “quarterback” or “architect” of the patient’s treatment.  Prosthodontists are trained in multi-disciplinary type treatments in order to reach an optimal result for the patient.

For more information about full-mouth reconstruction or prosthodontic dental treatment, contact the office of Dr. Kent J. Howell at (480) 832-1375.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Press Release - New Prosthodontic Dental Practice in Mesa, AZ Providing Denture Wearers with a new “Freedom” and a “Better Quality of Life” with Implanted Dentures

New Prosthodontic Dental Practice in Mesa, AZ providing denture wearers with a new “freedom” and a “better quality of life” with implanted dentures.

Mesa, AZ-- March 3, 2014 -- Kent J. Howell, D.M.D., M.S., prosthodontist, opens a brand new prosthodontic practice, Advanced Dental Prosthetics, in Mesa, Arizona.  Dr. Kent J. Howell, a Gilbert resident, has been practicing dentistry as a prosthodontist for 6 years.  He prides himself on the quality of service he provides and his expertise in dental implants and dental prosthetic treatment.  Dr. Howell has a true passion for his work and in changing the lives of his patients through both a functional and beautiful smile.

What is a Prosthodontist? 
A prosthodontist has completed three years of post-dental school training in an accredited prosthodontics residency program. Their training includes an extensive education in the fields of dental materials, dental implants, complete and partial removable prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics, complex oral rehabilitation, and maxillofacial prosthodontics.

Who needs a Prosthodontist?
Individuals with poorly fitting dentures, missing teeth, and those looking to improve the aesthetics and function of their smile are candidates for prosthodontic treatment. 

For more information about prosthodontics, Dr. Kent Howell or his dental practice Advanced Dental Prosthetics, please see the contact information and website, Twitter and Facebook page below.

Advanced Dental Prosthetics-Website:

Advanced Dental Prosthetics-Facebook Page:

Advanced Dental Prosthetics-Twitter:

Advanced Dental Prosthetics
Kent J. Howell, D.M.D., M.S.
107 N. Greenfield Road, Suite 1
Mesa, AZ 85205
Office: (480) 832-1375

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meet Mesa Prosthodontist - Dr. Kent J. Howell

Kent J. Howell, D.M.D., M.S., a prosthodontist and owner of Advanced Dental Prosthetics in Mesa, AZ, is a caring and empathetic professional who has a passion for helping others and for creating new smiles.  Dr. Howell has the ability to bring a unique perspective to treating his patients due to his additional education and training as a Prosthodontist – a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth.  This advanced understanding is a result of 3 additional years of training that allow Prosthodontists to approach situations with a special vision and perspective completely unique from a general dentist.

Dr. Howell grew up in Wyoming as the oldest of five children.  Working for his father who is an Engineer most of his youth, he gained valuable lessons in precision and discipline while spending summers on construction sites throughout many states.  Dr. Howell did his undergraduate work in Biology and Public Health at Utah State University.  He then earned his Doctorate of Dental Medicine degree at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and completed a Masters of Science and Certificate of Specialty in Prosthodontics at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

During his 3-year prosthodontic residency beyond dental school, Dr. Howell focused on comprehensive oral reconstruction and received extensive training in dental implants, removable prostheses (dentures and partials), and conventional fixed prostheses (crowns and bridges). While serving as Chief Resident, Dr. Howell had the opportunity to teach and mentor other residents and dental students in many different areas of prosthodontics.  This helped foster a passion for education which he enjoys sharing with his patients.  He continues teaching by lecturing to groups of dentists locally on different areas of prosthodontics.

During residency, Dr. Howell was trained in all aspects of dental laboratory work and fabricated his own dentures and partials from start to finish for his patients .  This valuable laboratory training was key in helping Dr. Howell to customize each prosthesis in-office and monitor the work that returns from his dental labs.  This is key to be able to provide the level of excellence that his patients deserve.

Dr. Howell enjoys spending time with his wife and their four children.  As new residents to the Phoenix area, they are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and everything Arizona has to offer.  Dr. Howell enjoys the outdoors, playing and watching football with his boys, golfing year round, and watching his family grow up.
As of March 3rd, 2014, Dr. Kent Howell will open his practice location in Mesa, AZ, Advanced Dental Prosthetics.  His office is conveniently located at 107 N. Greenfield Road, Suite 1, Mesa, AZ 85205 (Greenfield Rd./Main St.).
For more information about Advanced Dental Prosthetics, Dr. Kent Howell, services offered or to schedule an appointment, please call (480) 832-1375.