Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Consequences of Missing Teeth

The Consequences of Missing Teeth
There are actually several negative consequences of missing some or all of your teeth. First, missing teeth will affect the esthetics of your face. Not only will your smile be affected by the gaps from missing teeth, but if you’re missing too many teeth, the skin around your mouth won’t be supported properly and will start to sag, making your appear older than you are. Additionally, missing teeth will make it more difficult to chew your food properly and may even affect the way you speak. Finally, missing even one tooth may have emotional consequences; many people feel less confident about their smile when they are missing teeth.
If you are currently missing any of your teeth, consider replacing them with dental implants, which can look and feel just like natural teeth.  If you would like more information about dental implants and in restoring your smile, contact Mesa Prosthodontist Dr. Kent Howell at (480) 832-1875 or info@advanceddentalprosthetics.com.