Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are you Grinding your Teeth at Night?

Some patients are prone to nighttime bruxing or grinding of their teeth.  This can lead to problems with the jaw joints and severe damage to the teeth.  While the underlying cause of the grinding cannot always be corrected, a nightguard will serve to lessen the effects while the grinding takes place.  An impression of your mouth will be taken so that the custom nightguard can be made by our dental lab.  

If you are grinding and/or noticing wear on your teeth, are experiencing headaches and/or a sore jaw, contact Mesa Prosthodontist, Dr. Kent J. Howell at (480) 832-1375
for a consultation.  A nightguard may be the right 
treatment option for you!  

Advanced Dental Prosthetics
Kent J. Howell, DMD, MS
107 N. Greenfield Road, #1
Mesa, AZ 85205
Office: (480) 832-1375

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